If you do not have Windows 10, you have to first install .Net 4.5.2 before installing the program. If you are running on Windows 10, you do not need to do this because the required version of .Net is already integrated into that system.
Then you need to download the program archive hitech.zip. Then you need to unzip it. After unzipping the hitech.zip file in the folder, you will receive the following files
To install the program, run setup.exe. While the installer is running, we answer questions, when you finish on the desktop and in the menu, you will see the icon of the Hi-Tech Manager program. In principle, you can already start using the program. There are a number of settings, we'll look at them further.
The program uses the file Keeper Lite.mdb as its database. This is database in MS Access format, if you are interested, you can open it in Access and see the internal construction. With multi–user work on the network, the database is hosted on the server. Do not forget to make regular backup copies of this file, because if something wrong happens to it, then all your data will be lost.
All the main settings are located in the menu item Help – Settings of program. You will see the following form.
Initially, all files are located in the Roaming folder, the settings can be changed to any.
The Database field specifies the path to the Keeper Lite.mdb file, which can be located on the server or on some other computer.
In the Folder files of configurations, there are *.cfk files that appear after getting configurations of IT asset via network through the Network explorer.
The Folder of pictures of account materials serves for storing pictures of various materials. In the list Kinds of materials in the File of picture field, you can select any file from this folder. To reduce the load on the database, large image files are not stored in the database, only the file name is saved.
The Folder of pictures of models of devices is used to save device images. In the list Models of devices for the File of picture field, you can specify any file from this folder.
The Folder for pictures is used to store files with photos of employees, schemes, pictures of buildings, etc.
The Folder of journal contains the log of the Network explorer Keeper Lite.log. The user must have write access to this folder.
The Folder of user templates is used to save a custom report template. The program allows users to make their own reports through the Wizard of reports.
When you tick Save size and location of forms checkbox, Hi–Tech Manager saves size and position of user’s windows if a user has changed them while working in the program. For example, you have increased the width of some form for easy viewing because you have a large monitor. The next time you open this form, the desired size will be automatically restored.
If Comparison of serial numbers at import is checked, the device with the same serial number will be considered as the same and will not be added when importing it, if it already exists with an employee or at a workplace.
Language of the interface – English or Russian.
You can choose MS Excel or Open Office.
During an import process, when an imported device list does not contain any device that is already available to an employee or at a workplace, the device is deleted. To save devices of this type, the warehouse specified in the field The devices deleted at import to move on a warehouse is used to store them.
At the bottom of the main window of the program is the Window of system messages. It also may show different messages, for example, about end of warranty period of a device or end of expiry date of a material. For these purposes, the flags To warn of the ending of a warranty and To Warn of the ending of working life are used.
Hi–Tech Manager allows you to keep Norms of store, supplies in case you want to control the availability of any IT assets for the needs of yours company. For automatic alerts when a stock is reduced tick To warn at dishoarding.
The system implements auto–assignment of inventory numbers of devices, requests, licenses, programs. If you want to assign inventory numbers manually, uncheck Autoassignment of inventory numbers check box. You can also set Number length.
PC inventory tasks can be distributed to employees of IT department and there may be several groups of users in the program that work with the database. Each user needs to be given a name and password, you can also add employees working under this name.
For each group of users, you can restrict access to individual menu items or prohibit changes to data from any tables. To do this, remove the required checkbox in the blocks Availability of items of the menu to group and Updating tables.
Group and user Admin are built-in, access is not configured for them, and they are allowed everything.
In addition, for each user, you can prevent the editing of templates and print data from forms.
In this menu item of the main program window you can find Users guide. It is highly recommended to read it. It describes in detail the basic principles of the program.
The menu item Period by default is used to set a date range, which will be automatically substituted in all forms. You can choose Today, Last days, Current month, or any period of time.
When you upgrade to a new version of the program, after connection to the database, the menu item Check of data starts. The validation process automatically adds new fields to the tables and adjusts the data. You can also run this check manually.
From time to time it is recommended that you do Compression of a database. This helps to reduce the file Keeper Lite.mdb and speed up the system. For compression, you should have the Access program installed on your computer, and you must also have exclusive access to the data file.